This mine has teamed up in the Clinic Upgrade project with Manungu Colliery of Mbuyelo Coal, and has made a generous budget allocation towards it. This has got to be one of the most touching projects the company has embarked on, with the changes it promises to bring to the general Victor Kanye community. Healthcare has got to be one of the most essential services and thus also one of the most deepest contributions one can give. The cooperation from the three legs of Government, namely, the Department of Mineral Resources, the Department of Health and last but not least, the Victor Khanye Municipality on this project, has been heart-warming to say the least.
For Rirhandzu Colliery in particular, the Arbor Community is much more intimately involved with the mine having been one of the first communities Rirhandzu has interacted with. Prior and throughout 2018, projects involving the general public of South Africa, such as Mandela Day and Youth Day, have been given to Arbor as first preference. Arbor Primary has benefitted in the form of building of a classroom; a monthly donation of sanitary towels to its pupils; painting the school’s classroom and lavatories; borehole installation and donation of office furniture to mention but a few.
That was not all, Enterprise Development opportunities were created for companies such as Annavela Trading Enterprise which is 100% owned and managed by black women. Many believe in the concept of empowering women means empowering the nation, and this is proven many a times. Annavela Trading supplies laundry services to the mine and in turn are guaranteed unwavering support from the company.